JIE_018_L204It is common knowledge now that entrepreneurship plays an important role in any society because it generates economic benefits that are often larger than the private benefits reaped by the entrepreneurs themselves. Entrepreneurship creates jobs, enhances workforce dynamics, increases utility, and fosters productivity and socio-economic development.

In studying this phenomenon, researchers find strong connections between creativity and entrepreneurship (here for an overview). Recently, the United Nations acknowledged the emergence of a new paradigm in which creativity and innovation are the main drivers of the world economy. More and more, firms have recognized that creativity plays an important role in the making or reshaping of successful business models. Creativity enables organizations to build competitive advantages and achieve successful performance. It allows organisations to take advantage of opportunities resulting from changing environmental conditions. It can provide the basis for innovation and business growth, as well as impacting positively on society generally. And the list goes on.

In the latest special issue of the Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, several international researchers grasp the question of entrepreneurship and creativity in different context.

By example in the context of corporate entrepreneurship in large firms, or in SME, of form am HRM point of view.

All articles can be found on this page.